San Sebastian, the Basque pearl

For those who have come from afar and are unfamiliar with the Basque Country, here’s a short presentation to give you an insight into this land blessed by God.

Many patients make arrangements to come to Dr. Trotta for a more natural treatment, and take advantage of the opportunity to visit the Basque country.

San Sebastian is the capital of Gipuzcoa, one of the 7 Basque provinces. It’s just (km) from Bayonne, and 25 km from the border between Spain and France. San Sebastian is famous for its concha: a magnificent natural bay, 5 minutes from Dr. Trotta’s Institute of Natural Medicine.




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Doctor Trotta's Institute of Natural Medicine

Dr Trotta set up his Institute of Natural Medicine in San Sebastian in 2013. At this institute you can be treated as naturally as possible with cutting-edge medicine using health nutrition, scalar waves, Lakhovsky waves, digital endotherapy and auricular neuro acupuncture.


Ecological and electromagnetic medicine. A field medicine to better balance, prevent and treat your illnesses naturally.